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To run a production-ready application on EC2 gives you maximum freedom but also maximum responsibilities. By production-ready, I mean:
Highly available: no single point of failure
Scalable: increase or decrease the number of instances based on load
Frictionless deployment: deliver new versions of your application automatically without downtime
Secure: patching operating systems and libraries frequently, follow the least privilege principle in all areas
Operations: provide tools like logging, monitoring and alerting to recognize and debug problems
The overall architecture will consist of a load balancer, forwarding requests to multiple EC2 instances, distributed among different availability zones (data centers).
Most of our clients use AWS to reduce time-to-market following an agile approach. But AWS is only one part of the solution. In this article series, I show you how we help our clients to improve velocity: the time from idea to production. Discover all posts!
Let’s start simple and tackle all the challenges along the way.
A single EC2 instance is a single point of failure
A single EC2 instance is a single point of failure. When you want to run a production-ready app on EC2, you need more than one EC2 instance. Luckily, AWS provides a way to manage multiple EC2 instances: the Auto Scaling Group. But if you run multiple EC2 instances to serve your application, you also need a load balancer to distribute the requests to one of the EC2 instances.
In the Local development environment part of this series, you created an infrastructure folder which is empty by now. It’s time to change this. You will now create a CloudFormation template that describes the infrastructure that is needed to run the app on EC2 instances.
--- AWSTemplateFormatVersion:'2010-09-09' Description:'EC2' Parameters: # You can reuse a VPC for multiple applications. In this case, we use one of our Free Templates for AWS CloudFormation (https://github.com/widdix/aws-cf-templates/tree/master/vpc). ParentVPCStack: Description:'Stack name of parent VPC stack based on vpc/vpc-*azs.yaml template.' Type:String Conditions: Resources: # The load balancer accepts HTTP traffic. Therefore the firewall must allow incoming traffic on port 80. LoadBalancerSecurityGroup: Type:'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' Properties: GroupDescription:'load-balancer-sg' VpcId: 'Fn::ImportValue':!Sub'${ParentVPCStack}-VPC' SecurityGroupIngress: -CidrIp:'' FromPort:80 ToPort:80 IpProtocol:tcp # The load balancer needs to run in public subnets because our users should be able to access the app from the Internet. LoadBalancer: Type:'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer' Properties: Scheme:'internet-facing' SecurityGroups: -!RefLoadBalancerSecurityGroup Subnets: -'Fn::ImportValue':!Sub'${ParentVPCStack}-SubnetAPublic' -'Fn::ImportValue':!Sub'${ParentVPCStack}-SubnetBPublic' Tags: -Key:Name Value:'load-balancer' # A target group groups a bunch of backend instances that receive traffic from the load balancer. the health check ensures that only working backends are used. TargetGroup: Type:'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup' Properties: HealthCheckIntervalSeconds:15 HealthCheckPath:'/5' HealthCheckPort:3000 HealthCheckProtocol:HTTP HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds:10 HealthyThresholdCount:2 UnhealthyThresholdCount:8 Matcher: HttpCode:200 Port:3000 Protocol:HTTP Tags: -Key:Name Value:'target-group' VpcId: 'Fn::ImportValue':!Sub'${ParentVPCStack}-VPC' # The load balancer should listen on port 80 for HTTP traffic Listener: Type:'AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener' Properties: DefaultActions: -TargetGroupArn:!RefTargetGroup Type:forward LoadBalancerArn:!RefLoadBalancer Port:80 Protocol:HTTP # A CloudFormation stack can return information that is needed by other stacks or scripts. Outputs: DNSName: Description:'The DNS name for the load balancer.' Value:!GetAtt'LoadBalancer.DNSName' Export: Name:!Sub'${AWS::StackName}-DNSName' # The URL is needed to run the acceptance test against the correct endpoint URL: Description:'URL to the load balancer.' Value:!Sub'http://${LoadBalancer.DNSName}' Export: Name:!Sub'${AWS::StackName}-URL'
But how do you get notified if something goes wrong? Let’s add a parameter to the Parameters section to make the receiver configurable:
AdminEmail: Description:'The email address of the admin who receives alerts.' Type:String
Alerts are triggered by a CloudWatch Alarm which can send an alert to an SNS topic. You can subscribe to this topic via an email address to receive the alerts. Let’s create a SNS topic and two alarms in the Resources section:
# A SNS topic is used to send alerts via Email to the value of the AdminEmail parameter Alerts: Type:'AWS::SNS::Topic' Properties: Subscription: -Endpoint:!RefAdminEmail Protocol:email # This alarm is triggered, if the load balancer responds with 5XX status codes LoadBalancer5XXAlarm: Type:'AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm' Properties: EvaluationPeriods:1 Statistic:Sum Threshold:0 AlarmDescription:'Load balancer responds with 5XX status codes.' Period:60 AlarmActions: -!RefAlerts Namespace:'AWS/ApplicationELB' Dimensions: -Name:LoadBalancer Value:!GetAtt'LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerFullName' ComparisonOperator:GreaterThanThreshold MetricName:HTTPCode_ELB_5XX_Count # This alarm is triggered, if the backend responds with 5XX status codes LoadBalancerTargetGroup5XXAlarm: Type:'AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm' Properties: EvaluationPeriods:1 Statistic:Sum Threshold:0 AlarmDescription:'Load balancer target responds with 5XX status codes.' Period:60 AlarmActions: -!RefAlerts Namespace:'AWS/ApplicationELB' Dimensions: -Name:LoadBalancer Value:!GetAtt'LoadBalancer.LoadBalancerFullName' ComparisonOperator:GreaterThanThreshold MetricName:HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count
Let’s recap what you implemented: A load balancer with a firewall rule that allows traffic on port 80. In the case of 5XX status codes you will receive an Email. But the load balancer alone is not enough. Now it’s time to add the EC2 instances.
EC2 instances
So far, there are no EC2 instances. Let’s change that by adding a few more parameters in the Parameters section to make EC2 instances configurable:
# A bastion host increases the security of your system. In this case, we use one of our Free Templates for AWS CloudFormation (https://github.com/widdix/aws-cf-templates/tree/master/vpc). ParentSSHBastionStack: Description:'Optional Stack name of parent SSH bastion host/instance stack based on vpc/vpc-ssh-bastion.yaml template.' Type:String Default:'' # This is the simple way of getting SSH access to your EC2 instance. Not the most secure way. If you want to have personalized users follow https://cloudonaut.io/manage-aws-ec2-ssh-access-with-iam/ KeyName: Description:'Optional key pair of the ec2-user to establish a SSH connection.' Type:String Default:'' InstanceType: Description:'The instance type of web servers (e.g. t2.micro).' Type:String Default:'t2.micro' # Where does this AMI comes from? It will be created in the CI/CD pipeline! ImageId: Description:'Unique ID of the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) to boot from.' Type:String # How long do you want to keep logs? LogsRetentionInDays: Description:'Specifies the number of days you want to retain log events in the specified log group.' Type:Number Default:14 AllowedValues:[1,3,5,7,14,30,60,90,120,150,180,365,400,545,731,1827,3653]
To make the template react differently to different parameter inputs, you need to add a few Conditions that will be used later in the template:
# The app listens on port 3000, but only the load balancer is allowed to send traffic to that port! SecurityGroup: Type:'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' Properties: GroupDescription:'ec2-sg' VpcId: 'Fn::ImportValue':!Sub'${ParentVPCStack}-VPC' SecurityGroupIngress: -SourceSecurityGroupId:!RefLoadBalancerSecurityGroup FromPort:3000 ToPort:3000 IpProtocol:tcp # If the bastion host approach is enabled, traffic on port 22 is only allowed from the bastion host SecurityGroupInSSHBastion: Type:'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress' Condition:HasSSHBastionSecurityGroup Properties: GroupId:!RefSecurityGroup IpProtocol:tcp FromPort:22 ToPort:22 SourceSecurityGroupId: 'Fn::ImportValue':!Sub'${ParentSSHBastionStack}-SecurityGroup' # Otherwise SSH is allowed from anywhere SecurityGroupInSSHWorld: Type:'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress' Condition:HasNotSSHBastionSecurityGroup Properties: GroupId:!RefSecurityGroup IpProtocol:tcp FromPort:22 ToPort:22 CidrIp:'' AutoScalingGroup: Type:'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup' Properties: LaunchConfigurationName:!RefLaunchConfiguration# be patient, you will create a launch configuration soon MinSize:2# at least two instances should always be running MaxSize:4# at most 4 instances are allowed to run DesiredCapacity:2# you want to start with 2 instances HealthCheckGracePeriod:300 HealthCheckType:ELB# make use of the health check of the load balancer which checks the application health instead of only checking the instance health VPCZoneIdentifier: -'Fn::ImportValue':!Sub'${ParentVPCStack}-SubnetAPublic' -'Fn::ImportValue':!Sub'${ParentVPCStack}-SubnetBPublic' TargetGroupARNs: -!RefTargetGroup# automatically (de)register instances with the target group of the load balancer Tags: -Key:Name Value:'ec2' PropagateAtLaunch:true CreationPolicy:# wait up to 15 minutes to receive a success signal during instance startup ResourceSignal: Timeout:PT15M UpdatePolicy:# this allows rolling updates if a change requires new EC2 instances AutoScalingRollingUpdate: PauseTime:PT15M WaitOnResourceSignals:true
Let’s recap what you implemented: A firewall rule that allows traffic on port 3000 (the application’s port). Depending on if you use the bastion host approach or not, an appropriate firewall rule will be created to allow SSH access. You also added an Auto Scaling Group that can scale between 2 and 4 instances. So far you have not defined what kind of EC2 instances you want to start, let’s do this in the Resources section:
# Log files that reside on EC2 instances must be avoided because instances come and go depending on load. CloudWatch Logs provides a centralized way to store and search logs. Logs: Type:'AWS::Logs::LogGroup' Properties: RetentionInDays:!RefLogsRetentionInDays InstanceProfile: Type:'AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile' Properties: Path:'/' Roles: -!RefRole # The EC2 instance needs permissions to make requests to the CloudWatch Logs service to deliver logs. Role: Type:'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version:'2012-10-17' Statement: -Effect:Allow Principal: Service:'ec2.amazonaws.com' Action:'sts:AssumeRole' Path:'/' Policies: -PolicyName:logs PolicyDocument: Version:'2012-10-17' Statement: -Effect:Allow Action: -'logs:CreateLogGroup' -'logs:CreateLogStream' -'logs:PutLogEvents' -'logs:DescribeLogStreams' Resource:'arn:aws:logs:*:*:*' # The Launch Configuration determines what kind of EC2 instances are launched by the Auto Scaling Group LaunchConfiguration: Type:'AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration' Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Init':# Configuration for the cfn-ini helper script that runs on startup. This is only needed for the dynamic configuration. The rest is backed into the AMI in the CI/CD pipeline. config: files: '/etc/awslogs/awscli.conf':# configuration file for the CloudWatch Logs agent that ships logs to the service content:!Sub| [default] region=${AWS::Region} [plugins] cwlogs=cwlogs mode:'000644' owner:root group:root '/etc/awslogs/awslogs.conf':# configuration file for the CloudWatch Logs agent that ships logs to the service content:!Sub| [general] state_file=/var/lib/awslogs/agent-state [/var/log/messages] datetime_format=%b%d%H:%M:%S file=/var/log/messages log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/messages log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/secure] datetime_format=%b%d%H:%M:%S file=/var/log/secure log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/secure log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/cron] datetime_format=%b%d%H:%M:%S file=/var/log/cron log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/cron log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/cloud-init.log] datetime_format=%b%d%H:%M:%S file=/var/log/cloud-init.log log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/cloud-init.log log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/cfn-init.log] datetime_format=%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S file=/var/log/cfn-init.log log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/cfn-init.log log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/cfn-hup.log] datetime_format=%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S file=/var/log/cfn-hup.log log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/cfn-hup.log log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/cfn-init-cmd.log] datetime_format=%Y-%m-%d%H:%M:%S file=/var/log/cfn-init-cmd.log log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/cfn-init-cmd.log log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/cloud-init-output.log] file=/var/log/cloud-init-output.log log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/cloud-init-output.log log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/dmesg] file=/var/log/dmesg log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/dmesg log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/forever.log] file=/var/log/forever.log log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/forever.log log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/app.out] file=/var/log/app.out log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/app.out log_group_name=${Logs} [/var/log/app.err] file=/var/log/app.err log_stream_name={instance_id}/var/log/app.err log_group_name=${Logs} mode:'000644' owner:root group:root commands: 'forever': command:'forever start -l /var/log/forever.log -o /var/log/app.out -e /var/log/app.err index.js'# forever keeps the app (a Node.js script) up and running in the background cwd:'/opt/app' services: sysvinit: awslogs:# start the CloudWatch Logs agent enabled:true ensureRunning:true files: -'/etc/awslogs/awslogs.conf' -'/etc/awslogs/awscli.conf' Properties: ImageId:!RefImageId# the image that is created during the build in the CI/CD pipeline passed in as a parameter IamInstanceProfile:!RefInstanceProfile InstanceType:!RefInstanceType SecurityGroups: -!RefSecurityGroup KeyName:!If[HasKeyName,!RefKeyName,!Ref'AWS::NoValue'] UserData:# execute cfn-init helper script and signal success or failure back to CloudFormation 'Fn::Base64':!Sub| #!/bin/bash -x /opt/aws/bin/cfn-init-v--stack${AWS::StackName}--resourceLaunchConfiguration--region${AWS::Region} /opt/aws/bin/cfn-signal-e$?--stack${AWS::StackName}--resourceAutoScalingGroup--region${AWS::Region}
Let’s recap what you implemented: The Launch Configuration defines what kind of EC2 instances the Auto Scaling Group creates. The cfn-init script reads Metadata from CloudFormation to configure an running EC2 instance dynamically. The cfn-signal script reports to CloudFormation if the EC2 instance was started successfully or not. CloudWatch Logs stored the log files that are delivered by an agent that runs on the EC2 instance.
Auto Scaling
So far, the number of EC2 instances is static. To scale based on the load you need to add
Scaling Policies to define what should happen if the system should scale up/down
CloudWatch Alarms to trigger a Scaling Policy based on a metric such as CPU utilization
# Increase the number of instances by 25% but at least by one not more often than every 10 minutes. ScalingUpPolicy: Type:'AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy' Properties: AdjustmentType:PercentChangeInCapacity MinAdjustmentStep:1 AutoScalingGroupName:!RefAutoScalingGroup Cooldown:600 ScalingAdjustment:25 # Decrease the number of instances by 25% but at least by one one not more often than every 15 minutes. ScalingDownPolicy: Type:'AWS::AutoScaling::ScalingPolicy' Properties: AdjustmentType:PercentChangeInCapacity MinAdjustmentStep:1 AutoScalingGroupName:!RefAutoScalingGroup Cooldown:900 ScalingAdjustment:-25 # Trigger the ScalingUpPolicy if the average CPU load of the past 5 minutes is higher than 70% CPUHighAlarm: Type:'AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm' Properties: EvaluationPeriods:1 Statistic:Average Threshold:70 AlarmDescription:'CPU load is high.' Period:300 AlarmActions: -!RefScalingUpPolicy Namespace:'AWS/EC2' Dimensions: -Name:AutoScalingGroupName Value:!RefAutoScalingGroup ComparisonOperator:GreaterThanThreshold MetricName:CPUUtilization # Trigger the ScalingDownPolicy if the average CPU load of the past 5 minutes is lower than 30% for 3 consecutive times CPULowAlarm: Type:'AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm' Properties: EvaluationPeriods:3 Statistic:Average Threshold:30 AlarmDescription:'CPU load is low.' Period:300 AlarmActions: -!RefScalingDownPolicy Namespace:'AWS/EC2' Dimensions: -Name:AutoScalingGroupName Value:!RefAutoScalingGroup ComparisonOperator:LessThanThreshold MetricName:CPUUtilization
Let’s recap what you implemented: The Scaling Policy defines what happens when you want to scale while a CloudWatch Alarm triggers the Scaling Policy based on live metrics like CPUUtilization. The Auto Scaling Group will now keep a dynamic number of EC2 instances but always ensures that not less that two instances are running and not more than 4.
One thing is missing: Monitoring of your EC2 instances. Add
A CloudWatch Alarm to monitor the CPU utilization
A Log Filter that searches for the word Error in the logs and puts the result count into a CloudWatch Metric
A CloudWatch Alarm that monitors the Log Filter output
# Sends an alert if the average CPU load of the past 5 minutes is higher than 85% CPUTooHighAlarm: Type:'AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm' Properties: EvaluationPeriods:1 Statistic:Average Threshold:85 AlarmDescription:'CPU load is too high.' Period:300 AlarmActions: -!RefAlerts Namespace:'AWS/EC2' Dimensions: -Name:AutoScalingGroupName Value:!RefAutoScalingGroup ComparisonOperator:GreaterThanThreshold MetricName:CPUUtilization # Filters all logs for the word Error AppErrorsLogsFilter: Type:'AWS::Logs::MetricFilter' Properties: FilterPattern:Error LogGroupName:!RefLogs MetricTransformations: -MetricName:AppErrors MetricNamespace:!Ref'AWS::StackName' MetricValue:1 # Sends an alert if the word Error was found in the logs AppErrorsAlarm: Type:'AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm' Properties: AlarmDescription:'application errors in logs' Namespace:!Ref'AWS::StackName' MetricName:AppErrors Statistic:Sum Period:60 EvaluationPeriods:1 Threshold:0 ComparisonOperator:GreaterThanThreshold AlarmActions: -!RefAlerts
I’ve been building on AWS since 2012 together with my brother Andreas. We are sharing our insights into all things AWS on cloudonaut and have written the book AWS in Action. Besides that, we’re currently working on bucketAV, attachmentAV, HyperEnv, and marbot.
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