#github | GitHub (1)

Deploying Self-Hosted Runners for GitHub Enterprise Server on AWS: A Guide to Efficient CI/CD

GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) platform provided by GitHub. It allows you to automate your software development workflows by building, testing, and deploying code directly from your GitHub repository. Many c...

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How to reduce costs for GitHub Actions?

GitHub Actions is my favorite CI/CD solution. Over the past year, I gradually switched all projects from CodePipeline to GitHub Actions. To this day, I enjoy the smooth user experience. However, GitHub-hosted runners quickly become a big item on GitHub’...

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Connect GitHub Actions with AWS VPC

GitHub Actions is my preferred CI/CD solution. I’m using GitHub Actions to build and deploy applications on AWS. However, GitHub Actions does not have access to private subnets, which is required in the following scenarios: Execute database migrations ...

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Self-hosted GitHub runners on AWS

GitHub Actions became my tool of choice for automating tasks around software development. To execute jobs, GitHub Actions relies on runners. By default, jobs run on GitHub-hosted runners. But there are good reasons to use self-hosted runners. Reducing ...

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Migrating CodePipeline to GitHub Actions to improve performance

Recently, we have become increasingly dissatisfied with the time our AWS CodePipeline pipeline takes to deploy a change to production. The pipeline builds the code, runs unit tests, deploys to a test environment, runs acceptance tests in the test enviro...

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Workaround: CodePipeline for GitHub Enterprise

There is no question that AWS has a strong focus on customer obsession. However, sometimes it takes forever until popular feature requests get implemented. A good example: CodePipeline - the continuous delivery service - does support all kinds of source...

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GitHub Actions vs. AWS CodePipeline

Deployment pipelines first! When launching a new project, start with building a deployment pipeline. Automating the process from changing the source code to shipping your application to the production environment is a success factor. But how to build a ...

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