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Worldwide availability of EC2 instance types

The promise sounds tempting; with AWS, you can roll out your infrastructure in 28 regions worldwide. Indeed, it is an eye-opening moment when rolling out the same infrastructure into multiple regions to serve users in different parts of the world. Howev...

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How to monitor container workloads running on ECS and Fargate?

How do you monitor a container workload running on ECS (Elastic Container Service) and Fargate with on-board resources? Here are the prioritized aspects when it comes to monitoring containers on AWS. Event-driven monitoring with EventBridge Monitoring ...

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Using DynamoDB Entity Store for cleaner TypeScript code

DynamoDB is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database from Amazon Web Services (AWS). DynamoDB is popular for two main reasons: It scales extremely effectively with little operational effort Since it is a serverless service it is also cheap, simple, and quick to r...

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The Lambda monitoring blind spot

After a customer complained that a feature of marbot, our monitoring solution for AWS was not working as expected, I started debugging the issue. First, I checked the CloudWatch alarms we use to monitor all Lambda functions. All CloudWatch alarms were i...

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A future-proof Terraform provider definition

When defining the version of a Terraform provider, do not use > or => conditions. You will run into troubles caused by breaking changes with the next major release. Instead, lock the major version of the Terraform provider by using a ~> conditi...

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Migrating to AWS JavaScript SDK v3: Lessons Learned

There’s work coming your way! Node.js 16 reached end-of-life on September 11th, 2023. Also, the AWS Lambda runtime environment for Node.js 18 upgraded to v3 of the AWS SDK for JavaScript. So to upgrade Lambda functions from Node.js 16 to 18, you have to...

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Self-hosted GitHub runners on AWS

GitHub Actions became my tool of choice for automating tasks around software development. To execute jobs, GitHub Actions relies on runners. By default, jobs run on GitHub-hosted runners. But there are good reasons to use self-hosted runners. Reducing ...

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AWS Security Monitoring in 2023: Untangle the chaos

AWS security monitoring is a set of practices, tools, and processes designed to detect and respond to security threats and vulnerabilities within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environment. Sounds easy? In this blog post, I share how I use a variet...

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Show Me Your Architecture Vol. 2: Platform Engineering on AWS

Through the AWS documentation, books like AWS in Action or AWS training, you can gain theoretical knowledge. But beyond that, it is very valuable to learn directly from practice. In this series, we inspect real-life AWS architectures. In the 2nd volume ...

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Detecting connectivity anomalies with CloudWatch Internet Monitor

Imagine customer support informs you that some customers can no longer access your web application. Immediately you check the monitoring, but no abnormalities are visible on the dashboard. No alarm has been triggered. So, what’s the problem? The number ...

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