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AWS Velocity Series: Local development environment

The local development environment is where you make changes to the source code, edit configuration files, add images, and so on. You also want to run the app locally, execute the tests, and be able to debug your source code. In this article you will le...

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AWS Velocity Series: Set the assembly line up

What is the first thing you do when starting a new project? For me, I design and set my assembly line up first. The assembly line describes the work that is necessary from idea to production. In a software project, you decide how to spend your resour...

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AWS Velocity Series

Most of our clients use AWS to reduce time-to-market following an agile approach. But AWS is only one part of the solution. In this article series, I show you how we help our clients to improve velocity: the time from idea to production. Table of Cont...

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Book review: The DevOps Handbook

How to create world-class agility, reliability, and security in technology organizations? The DevOps Handbook (IT Revolution Press) is answering this question. Read on for a review of The DevOps Handbook. The DevOps Handbook starts with the author’s “a...

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2016 in Review: Thank You!

The year 2016 is coming to an end. We’d like to look back on the past year together with you. Thank you for reading our blog, sharing our work, and giving valuable feedback. It was a pleasure to be part of an inspiring community. Facts and numbersWhat w...

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Delivery Pipeline as Code: AWS CloudFormation and AWS CodePipeline

The assembly line is the heart of any factory. Workers and supervisors are giving their best to ensure a steady flow of raw materials to the end products. The delivery pipeline is an important part of DevOps and the equivalent to the assembly line. A de...

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Designing asynchronous event systems with AWS IoT and Serverless Application Model (SAM)

An event system receives and processes events by following rules that are defined inside the system. All processing happens asynchronously. When an event is sent to the system, it is processed at some point in time, but you will not get an immediate res...

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AWS Advent has started: Deploy your AWS Infrastructure Continuously

AWS Advent is a yearly exploration of AWS in 24 parts contributed by volunteers from the AWS community. Follow @AWSAdvent and get inspired on a daily basis. I open this year’s AWS Advent with a post on Deploy your AWS Infrastructure Continuously Conti...

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DynamoDB pitfall: limited throughout due to hot partitions

Is your application suffering from throttled or even rejected requests from DynamoDB? Even if you are not consuming all the provisioned read or write throughput of your table? You run into a common pitfall! Read on to learn how Hellen debugged and fixed...

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A pattern for Continuously Deployed, Immutable and Stateful applications on AWS

If you are faced with the challenge of running a stateful application on AWS, you will recognize that many building blocks no longer work as before. Usually I preach my clients stateless systems. Stateless means that that state is managed by another sy...

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