#elb | (1)
Next Generation Load Balancing: ALB with gRPC and HTTP/2
AWS announced an important update for the Application Load Balancer (ALB) in November 2020: Support for gRPC and HTTP/2. HTTP/2 comes with request multiplexing over a single TCP connection, header compression (HPACK) which reduces network utilization, a...
Read moreMove to the Next Level of Load Balancing on AWS
Are you still using the Classic Load Balancer - formerly known as Elastic Load Balancer - for distributing incoming requests among a fleet of EC2 Instances? AWS announced the Application Load Balancer, as a new alternative to the Classic Load Balancer i...
Read moreShow your SaaS architecture: Time Series Guru
Today I want to show you the architecture of my latest AWS project: Software-as-a-Service time series database with REST API. TimeSeries.Guru is a TSDB build to handle large volumes of time series data. The Saas is powered by the high-performance databa...
Read morePrevent outages with redundant EC2 instances
Unfortunately, EC2 instances aren’t fault-tolerant. Under your virtual server is a host system. These are a few reasons your virtual server might suffer from a crash caused by the host system: If the host hardware fails, it can no longer host the virtu...
Read moreBuilding blocks for highly available systems
Thanks to the cloud, highly available systems are becoming the new standard. Creating an architecture offering high availability or even fault tolerance is affordable nowadays as you can use ready-to-use building blocks. On top of that, you can operate ...
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