EC2 Network Performance of t3

Andreas Wittig – 12 Oct 2018

EC2 Network Performance t3

AWS introduced the t3 instance type in August. Time to update the EC2 Network Performance Cheat Sheet. The following table shows the network capabilities of t3 instances. Compared to the last generation t2 there is no difference in the baseline throughput. However, the burst throughput is more than 5 times higher compared to t2 instance types.

INSTANCE TYPE Baseline (Gbit/s) Burst (Gbit/s)
t3.nano 0.03 5.06
t3.micro 0.06 5.09
t3.small 0.13 5.11
t3.medium 0.25 4.98
t3.large 0.51 5.11
t3.xlarge 1.02 5.11
t3.2xlarge 2.04 5.11

Looking for other instance types? See EC2 Network Performance Cheat Sheet.


I have run the network performance benchmark in us-east-1 on September 25th, 2018 using iperf3. Each benchmark run took 60 minutes, and a data point was recorded every minute. A fresh c5.18xlarge was used as the counterparty for the network benchmark of each instance type. I have published the source code of the network benchmark at widdix/ec2-network-benchmark.


The data analysis in the table shows the burst and baseline throughput of each instance type. The burst throughput is defined as the 95th percentile, which means the throughput was at least reached for 3 minutes. The baseline throughput is defined as the 10th percentile, which means the throughput was reached at least for 54 minutes.


Please note, that the network benchmark was just a random sample and does not claim to be 100% accurate. Therefore, you should treat the EC2 Network Performance Cheat Sheet as the first guide when choosing an instance type based on your network throughput needs. If network throughput is critical to your infrastructure, you should run network benchmarks yourself to verify my results.

Andreas Wittig

Andreas Wittig

I’ve been building on AWS since 2012 together with my brother Michael. We are sharing our insights into all things AWS on cloudonaut and have written the book AWS in Action. Besides that, we’re currently working on bucketAV,HyperEnv for GitHub Actions, and marbot.

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