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AWS Security Primer

I was preparing some AWS Security related training. Soon, I realized that this topic is too huge to fit into my brain. So I structured my thoughts in a mind map1. Within a couple of minutes2 I came up with this: What is your first reaction? Mine was pr...

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AWS Velocity Series: Summary

Do you want to be faster by using AWS? I see many AWS customers struggling with high expectations and some even slow down. That’s why I wrote the AWS Velocity Series. Let me sum up what matters most when optimizing for speed. 1. Select your runtime envi...

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New CloudFormation Template - Operational Alerts and new Docs

Today, we release v3.1.x of our Free Templates for AWS CloudFormation. The highlights of the release are: You can now receive alerts if the infrastructure is not working with the oprations/alert.yaml template. Existing templates now have a ParentAlertS...

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AWS Velocity Series: Serverless app

The API Gateway provides an HTTPS endpoint that invokes a Lambda function when a request arrives. The diagram was created with Cloudcraft - Visualize your cloud architecture like a pro. As you can see, there is not much infrastructure to set up. To mak...

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AWS Velocity Series: Containerized ECS based app CI/CD pipeline

In the previous article, you learned how to use CloudFormation to describe a production-ready infrastructure for a containerized app running on ECS. In this article you will learn to: Automate the creation of a Docker image that contains the app Deploy...

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AWS Velocity Series: Containerized ECS based app infrastructure

EC2 Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, fast, container management service that makes it easy to run, stop, and manage Docker containers on a cluster of Amazon EC2 instances. To run an application on ECS, you need the following components: Do...

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Painlessly create or update a CloudFormation stack in an idempotent way

When integrating CloudFormation into your CI/CD pipeline you are faced with the challenge of creating a CloudFormation stack on the first run of the pipeline, while you need to update the stack for all following pipeline runs. If you use the AWS CLI thi...

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AWS Velocity Series: EC2 based app CI/CD pipeline

In the previous article, you learned how to use CloudFormation to describe a production-ready infrastructure for an EC2 based app. In this article you will learn to: Automate the creation of an AMI that contains the app with Packer Deploy a CloudFormat...

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AWS Velocity Series: EC2 based app infrastructure

To run a production-ready application on EC2 gives you maximum freedom but also maximum responsibilities. By production-ready, I mean: Highly available: no single point of failure Scalable: increase or decrease the number of instances based on load Fri...

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DZone Cloud Guide including Serverless Architectures on AWS

DZone released a new guide: Cloud Native Development & Deployment. I’m proud that my article Serverless Architectures on AWS is part of the free ebook as well. Key takeaways from my articleA serverless platform allows you to run your application in...

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