#terraform | (1)

Are you missing an AWS resource in Terraform? Try awscc provider!

There is nothing more frustrating than running into gaps in resource coverage when working with Infrastructure as Code tools like Terraform or CloudFormation. Not being able to use the latest features to solve a challenge is demotivating. Recently, I di...

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Tidying up after failed Terraform tests

Automated tests are making their way into Infrastructure as Code projects. Recently, I’ve implemented tests with Terraform’s test framework which was released in October 2023. However, I ran into the issue that Terraform could not remove all AWS resourc...

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A future-proof Terraform provider definition

When defining the version of a Terraform provider, do not use > or => conditions. You will run into troubles caused by breaking changes with the next major release. Instead, lock the major version of the Terraform provider by using a ~> conditi...

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Builder's Diary Vol. 3: Infrastructure Pipeline with GitLab and Terraform Cloud

Get insights into the day-to-day challenges of builders. In this issue, Rico Nuguid from our partner DEMICON talks about automating deployments with Infrastructure Pipelines based on GitLab and Terraform Cloud. If you prefer a video or podcast instead ...

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Deprecated Terraform provider template causes `Incompatible provider version` error

Did you recently switch to a Mac with Apple Silicon (ARM processor architecture)? The chances are high that you will see an Error: Incompatible provider version when running terraform init the next time. That’s because Hashicorp does not provide the tem...

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Defining IAM Policies with Terraform safely

Are you still defining IAM policies using heredoc syntax (<<EOF ... EOF) or jsonencode()? You can do better! As a result, terraform validate can tell you about typos before you apply them, and you get better auto-complete support from your IDE. Re...

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Terraform, can you keep a secret?

Did you know that Terraform state can - and most likely does - contain sensitive data? A few examples of sensitive information stored in the Terraform state: Initial password for an RDS instance. Unencrypted value fetched from SSM parameter (SecureStri...

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CloudFormation vs Terraform in 2022

The most reliable way to automate creating, updating, and deleting your cloud resources is to describe the target state of your infrastructure and use a tool to apply it to the current state of your infrastructure (see Understanding Infrastructure as Co...

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