#ec2 | Amazon EC2 (3)

All about utilizing and managing virtual machines on AWS.

5 AWS mistakes you should avoid

Since this year I’m working as an AWS Cloud Consultant where I see a lot of small to medium sized AWS deployments. Most of them are typical web applications. I want to share with you the 5 most common mistakes that you better avoid: managing infrastruc...

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Show your SaaS architecture: Time Series Guru

Today I want to show you the architecture of my latest AWS project: Software-as-a-Service time series database with REST API. TimeSeries.Guru is a TSDB build to handle large volumes of time series data. The Saas is powered by the high-performance databa...

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3 simple ways of saving up to 90% of EC2 costs

An EC2 instance is billed at an hourly rate depending on the instance type and the region by default. This pricing model is called on-demand. It is the simplest but also most expensive way of using EC2 instances. There are two other purchasing options f...

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High availability is a no-brainer: EC2 auto-recovery

Werner Vogels (CTO of AWS) is quoted with “Everything fails all the time.”. This does not mean AWS is an unreliable cloud provider. Quite the contrary: AWS plans for failure. All services are highly available or fault tolerant. Some of them by default, ...

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WordPress on AWS: you are holding it wrong

WordPress is a very popular blogging software. You can run the PHP application together with a MySQL database on an EC2 instance (virtual machine) easily. But if you are following the official tutorial to setup your blogging environment on AWS you are m...

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Prevent outages with redundant EC2 instances

Unfortunately, EC2 instances aren’t fault-tolerant. Under your virtual server is a host system. These are a few reasons your virtual server might suffer from a crash caused by the host system: If the host hardware fails, it can no longer host the virtu...

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Building blocks for highly available systems

Thanks to the cloud, highly available systems are becoming the new standard. Creating an architecture offering high availability or even fault tolerance is affordable nowadays as you can use ready-to-use building blocks. On top of that, you can operate ...

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What can you do with AWS?

This article excerpted from Amazon Web Services in Action, shows that you can run any application on AWS by using one or a combination of different services. The four examples we present in this article will give you an idea of what you can do with AWS....

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