#container | Container (1)

Ship your applications in a standarized and reliable way with the help of containers. Covers ECS, EKS, and Fargate.

Builder's Diary Vol. 6: Serverless and DevOps - a match made in heaven

Get insights into the day-to-day challenges of builders. In this issue, Vilius Kukanauskas from our partner DEMICON explains why Serverless and DevOps are a match made in heaven. Here you go if you prefer a video or podcast instead of reading. JavaScri...

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Builder's Diary Vol. 5: ECS Anywhere

Get insights into the day-to-day challenges of builders. In this issue, Samia Rabah from our partner DEMICON talks about ECS Anywhere to orchestrate containers on-premises and in the cloud. If you prefer a video or podcast instead of reading, here you ...

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Fargate vs. App Runner

What’s the simplest way to run containers on AWS? My first relevant container workload was running on a fleet of EC2 instances managed by ECS. Maintaining and scaling the needed EC2 instances was wasting a lot of my time. So I got very excited when AWS ...

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Review: App Runner - Simply containers on AWS!

How many options are there for deploying containers on AWS? ECS, EKS, Elastic Beanstalk, EC2, and Fargate, to name a few. And there’s another service I’d like to take a closer look at in this review: AWS App Runner. And I promise you already; it’s worth...

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Building multi-architecture container images for AWS Graviton

What do my MacBook Pro and my container workload running on ECS and Fargate have in common? They both run amazingly well on the ARM processor architecture. However, building Docker images for Apple Silicon and AWS Graviton is challenging. Because a cont...

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Containers on AWS: ECS, EKS, and Fargate

The container landscape in general and on AWS in particular is changing quickly. AWS releases new services and features to deploy containers constantly. Currently, the most interesting options are: Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Kubernetes ...

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Running containers on spot infrastructure

Running workloads on spot infrastructure is significantly cheaper. You can reduce your bill by 50% or more. Keep in mind that spot workloads can be terminated at any time. If you are lucky, you will be noticed 2 minutes upfront to shut down gracefully. ...

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Amazon ECR vs. Docker Hub vs. GitHub Container Registry

Have you worked with a Linux package manager like apt or yum before? A container registry is similar, but instead of packages, it distributes container images. A container registry is a crucial aspect of a containerized workflow and infrastructure. This...

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Review: AWS App Mesh – A service mesh for EC2, ECS, and EKS

It seems to me like everyone is talking about service meshes these days - definitely a hot topic in the world of containers and microservices. A service mesh promises reducing latency, increasing observability, and simplifying security within microservi...

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Run the AWS CLI v2 inside Docker

The last time I bought a new laptop, I decided to install it from scratch. My goal: keep the installation as clean as possible. Run anything inside Docker containers. Especially the development environments. I work for many clients. I often encounter si...

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ECS Deployment Options - From rolling updates to blue-green and canary

“How often do you deploy to production?” - This is an important question as the best application is useless if you can’t deploy it. And being able to deploy regularly and automated is quite important.The Elastic Container Service (ECS) is used by many A...

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Containers vs. Serverless: Thoughts About Your Cloud Strategy

There are many ways to build on AWS. When shaping the strategy for your organization, the following two options should be on your shortlist. Containers: Package your source code into containers and leverage AWS’s fully-managed services, providing the c...

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Scaling Container Clusters on AWS: ECS and EKS

Containers are a powerful tool to streamline your development and deployment process. However, a container cluster - no matter if you are using ECS (Elastic Container Service), EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service), or self-managed Kubernetes - increases com...

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What's the best AWS Compute option for your project?

There are many good reasons why you should move to the cloud and AWS in particular. Benefit from the latest innovations or consume sophisticated technology as a commodity (relational databases, Hadoop clusters, data warehouses, …) to lower your time to ...

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Dockerizing Ruby on Rails

Did you dockerize your Ruby on Rails application already? You definitely should! Read on to learn why and how. Shipping software is a challenge. Endless installation instructions explain in detail how to install and configure an application as well as a...

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How to dockerize your Node.js Express application for AWS Fargate?

My first project with Node.js - an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, designed to build scalable network applications - was building an online trading platform in 2013. Since then, Node.js is one of my favorite technologies. I will show you h...

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Checklist: Is your application ready for a container cluster?

Is your application ready to run on a container cluster? Use this checklist to find out whether you are good to deploy your application on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and AWS Fargate or any other container cluster solution. Does your applica...

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How to dockerize your Python Django application for AWS Fargate?

The biggest game-changer for Docker on AWS was the announcement of AWS Fargate. Operating Docker containers could not be easier. With AWS Fargate, you launch Docker containers in the cloud without any need to manage virtual machines. Django is a popular...

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Resilient task scheduling with ECS Fargate

Many applications use scheduled jobs to automate recurring tasks, such as: Generating and sending a monthly report. Disabling users who haven’t logged in for more than 365 days. Deleting stale data from the database. Doing so is simple, as long as an...

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Rapid CI/CD with CodeBuild to deploy PHP and Docker

There are many options available when you are looking for ways to implement a deployment pipeline. You might have heard about Jenkins, CircleCi, BitBucket Pipelines, GitLab Pipelines, and many others. AWS, on the other hand, offers services for CI/CD i...

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