#s3 | Amazon S3 (1)

The Simple Storage Service (S3) provides a fault tolerant and highly scalable storage service which is a great fit for many scenarios.

Review: Amazon GuardDuty Malware Protection for S3

Imagine users uploading attachments directly to S3 to share them with other users. Or partners uploading data to your S3 bucket to trigger business processes that download directly from S3. What could go wrong? A file uploaded to S3 could be infected. M...

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Now available: Book Amazon Web Services in Action 3rd Edition

We are happy to announce the official launch of our new book Amazon Web Services in Action 3rd Edition. The final version of the book is out now. We wrote the 1st edition back in 2015, and since then, we sold more than 30,000 copies, and the book has be...

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How we built bucketAV powered by Sophos

This is the behind-the-scenes story of our latest product launch bucketAV powered by Sophos, a malware protection solution for Amazon S3. We share insights into building and selling a product on the AWS Marketplace. Our story began in 2015 when we publi...

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How to filter S3 events by object size

While answering a support request for bucketAV, I stumbled upon the following question: Is there a way to only scan S3 objects with a size of less than 1 GB for malware? This translates to the more general question: How to filter S3 events by object ...

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Hot off the Cloud #007: AppSync JavaScript Resolvers + IAM MFA + CloudFront CD

Here are our toughts about the latest AWS announcements as well as our lessons learned. Unbelievable, re:Invent starts in 5 days. Therefore it is no surprise that AWS announces new features at a high pace. On the one hand, we are having difficulty keep...

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Builder's Diary Vol. 2: Serverless ETL with Airflow and Athena

Get insights into the day-to-day challenges of builders. In this issue, Peter Reitz from our partner tecRacer talks about how to build Serverless ETL (extract, transform and load) pipelines with the help of Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (M...

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Show Me Your Architecture Vol. 1: Scanning S3 buckets for malware

Through the AWS documentation, books like AWS in Action or AWS trainings you can gain theoretical knowledge. But beyond that, it is very valuable to learn directly from practice. In this series, we inspect real-life AWS architectures. We start with Andr...

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Enabling S3 Versioning is not a backup strategy

Here are three reasons why enabling S3 Versioning is not a backup strategy. Instead, you should consider AWS Backup for S3, which AWS released on February 18th, 2022. AWS Backup enables you to control and automate managing backups centrally. To do so, A...

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Video Hosting on AWS

How to embed a video into your website? There is an alternative that looks and feels much more professional than embedding a YouTube video. Read on to learn how to host video-on-demand with the help of Amazon Web Services (AWS). First of all, deliverin...

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Unboxing S3 Object Lambda

Amazon S3 Object Lambda offers a way to execute a Lambda function when someone wants to download a file (GetObject) from an S3 bucket. You can implement whatever logic you wish and return any data as the response via the WriteGetObjectResponse API. Keep...

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All you need to know about encrypting S3 buckets

Dance like nobody’s watching, encrypt like everyone is. Are you encrypting your data stored on Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)? No, this video explains why and how to do so. Yes, this video helps you to avoid common pitfalls when doing so. After wat...

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Does your VPC endpoint allow access to half of the Internet?

Are you using VPC endpoints to enable private connections between your VPC and AWS services? Drop everything and check the policy attached to your VPC Endpoint for S3. You might have allowed access to half of the Internet - assuming that half of the Int...

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Unboxing AWS DataSync

Your toolbox should contain AWS DataSync, a service to synchronize data between all kinds of locations. Copy data between S3, EFS, and FSx. On top of that, DataSync works with on-premises locations like NFS, SMB, and more. In this week’s video Andreas...

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How do you choose the best storage option on AWS?

Choosing storage service is critical when designing a cloud architecture. Read on to learn about the characteristics, limitations, typical use cases, and a decision tree for the following options to store data on AWS: Instance Store provides low latenc...

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How to analyze and reduce S3 storage usage?

S3 is an object store, not a file system. Object storage comes with significant advantages: unlimited storage capacity, high availability, and durability. However, there are some disadvantages too. For example, it is cumbersome to calculate the storage ...

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ETL with a Glue Python Shell Job: Load data from S3 to Redshift

Gaining valuable insights from data is a challenge. After collecting data, the next step is to extract, transform, and load (ETL) the data into an analytics platform like Amazon Redshift. Luckily, there is a platform to build ETL pipelines: AWS Glue. I...

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How we run our blog cloudonaut.io

Now and then you ask us: How do you run cloudonaut.io? Today, I want to share some insights with you about the work and technology behind the scenes of our blog. How do we come up with new topics? How do we host this website? How do we survive to be li...

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How to avoid S3 data leaks?

Not a week goes by without a frightening announcement that an organization has leaked confidential data from Amazon S3 accidentally. Most often, the root cause of a security breach is a misconfiguration of S3 access control. Do you prefer listening to...

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Download YouTube videos with AWS Lambda and store them on S3

Recently, I was faced with the challenge to download videos from YouTube and store them on S3. Sounds easy? Remember than Lambda comes with a few limitations: 512 MB of disk space available at /tmp 3008 MB of memory 15 minutes maximum execution time ...

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Own your analytics data: Replacing Google Analytics with Amazon QuickSight

Making decisions based on data is compelling. Especially, when you wrestle with the most straightforward decisions like me. Google Analytics is the de-facto standard for tracking your customers while clicking through your websites and applications. I’ve...

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